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Learning Groups

Welcome to the infant room! The age range in our room is typically 6 weeks- 12 months and mobile. Our room is the first step in your child’s early development. Our soft, calm, welcoming environment and staff provide the safety and security for positive development. We are different from most infant rooms. We have smaller teacher to child ratios, individualized lesson plans, gym time, and our own playground! Introducing prayer to all of our students, even our youngest, is important to us. We pray before meals together. Together, we work with parents to help their infant meet the milestones that build a foundation for cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development.

Welcome to the Waddlers room! This classroom is made up of student 12 months and mobile to 22 months. We introduce a class schedule to help prepare our students for the next class. They will learn skills such as drinking from sippy cups, exploring limits and boundaries and sign language. We begin to introduce more independence and social emotional skills by helping them travel around the building, put toys away and learn how to play with their peers.

Our Toddlers class ranges in ages from 22 months to 30 months. Toddlers is an introductory class to a formal classroom setting. In Toddlers, we lay the basic foundation for beginning learners. We teach sign language, art, language & literature, math, and other basic skills. We also teach them about the Christian faith through song and scripture. Throughout the day, small groups according to age are split off to form Toddlers A and B. The use of small groups gives each teacher a smaller ratio, with a third teacher helping out both groups as needed. Our children thrive in the more structured environment and enjoy the small group and one on time. Our day is filled with love, laughter, and learning and WEE would love to learn with you.

Our Early Preschool is from the ages of 2.5- 3 years old. The Early Preschool class at Wee Care Learning Center really focuses on encouraging the children every step of the way as they grow, develop and accomplish important milestones. Our classroom provides a fun learning environment! Children learn best through experience so we really focus on letting the children explore and discover at their own pace. Our classroom provides table activities, play dough, blocks, cars, science, art, home living corner, sensory, musical instruments, and books. We even have our own playground! This class is currently working on counting, letters, colors, and shapes. We strive to give each individual one on one time to help the teachers see what each child’s developmental needs are. Teacher and parent communication is very important to us. We send home a daily sheet telling the parents what fun things we did all day! This introductory preschool class is a wonderful lead into our Preschool/Pre-K/Kindergarten Enrichment programs.

Welcome to Preschool! Children at this age learn through play. Our use of the State Approved Creative Curriculum outlines this and is what we use throughout the center. You will find daily lesson plans posted outlining the way we use creative curriculum weekly and daily to build childhood development. Having one lead teacher and multiple assistant teachers enable us to combine one on one time and small group time interwoven with large motor and area exploration. Your child will be busy! We do a letter of the week along with our creative curriculum studies. Evidence of how busy your child will be is definitely visible by the amount of their completed work that we proudly display throughout our hallway and classroom. In our class, your child is learning the basics that will be built on throughout our program. Christian principals are not so much taught in addition to our use of Creative Curriculum, but more in who we are and how we teach. We also make sure to make learning fun!

Welcome to Pre-K! Our classroom is one of the final stepping stones of our student’s journey to kindergarten. Through Creative Curriculum, our students get the chance to be hands on, ask questions and learn through play. Through our Christian principals, we also teach and encourage our students to be independent, kind and learn from their mistakes. Our goal is to ensure that every student is ready for the next level of their early childhood journey. Our goal is to get our children ready for Kindergarten in every way. We put a strong focus on the education building blocks for Kindergarten using creative curriculum, as well as, numbers 1-25, the ABC’s and “what” words. However, this preparation goes further than that. We stress the importance of cooperation both in work and play and proper classroom behavior. All students treat others with respect and learn the importance of taking care of the classroom. Kindergarten Readiness, in conjunction with Wee Care Administration, is part of Vandalia’s Preschool Coalition with area preschools and Vandalia City Schools. We are committed to not just preparing our students for the expectations of kindergarten, but exceeding them. We are excited for the new school year!

Welcome to Kindergarten-Enrichment/School age! We are a before & after school program, as well as, a full program when the schools are closed. Our class ranges in ages from 7-12 years old. In our class we work as a team and enjoy discovering new things. Our children are learning emotional intelligence, empathy, and the importance of getting along. We also use a buddy system for group activities and homework. After school, small groups are formed of differing ages so they can work on homework together, with the oldest ones “mentoring” the younger ones. Our students have the opportunity to benefit from our computer lab by: finishing homework assignments, access to the internet for research, as well as, skill building using a variety of educational programs. We work hard, but also have a lot of fun with creative planning of activities!

Check out our Facebook page for more photos!